Table of Contents


General *nix notes

     Bash Notes

     Oddball notes on gdb

     Firestats with iWeb - using sed

     Firestats Plugin for Dokuwiki

     Reminder on how to configure sudo

     Tunnel Remote Desktop through SSH, scripted This one is like old and stuff.


     Offsite Encrypted Backup via Rsync

     Rdesktop with Keychain password storage

     Automator Service to send to spam

     OpenVPN on OS X

     LIRC on a Mac

     Run multiple Skype accounts on a Mac

     Skype 5 on a mac with custom window size using gdb

     Office 2008 beta notes - NOTE: These are here for demonstration purposes only, obviously.

     Notes on sqlite

     Filesystems on USB drives with OS X

     Set Time Machine disk to work with a new system/logic board/MAC address


     "Split" VPN routing with OpenWRT/Tomato





     Kodi/XMBC keymaps file


bnh1@larsTest /
$ net use g: \\\\c-usr\\users\\b\\ben password /user:alpha\\username
The command completed successfully.

Note: it's necessary to escape all characters including punctuation in passwords.