====== Firestats Plugin for Dokuwiki ======
It is noted in the code, but I'll repeat it here:
//This code is almost entirely copied from the Google Analytics plugin by Terence J. Grant. See [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:googleanalytics|his plugin page]] for details.
Credit for the work should ostensibly be his- I merely deleted a few lines and changed a configuration name.
Concerning this rendering of the code:
See [[http://www.firestats.cc|firestats.cc]] for information on what Firestats is and how to use it.
Plugin installation consists of:
*Unarchiving the plugin .tgz file to your dokuwiki lib/plugins directory
*Visiting the site Admin => Configuration page to set the URL for your firestats installation.
An example URL looks like: http://yoursite.com/yourfirestats/js/fs.js.php?site_id=2
====== Download ======
The plugin archive file is {{:dokufirestats.tgz|here.}}
====== Details ======
===== File/Directory structure: =====
===== Action.php =====
'Benjamin Hall (base code from Terence J. Grant\'s Google Analytics Plugin)',
'email' => 'ben@benhall.com',
'date' => '2010-05-05',
'name' => 'Firestats Plugin',
'desc' => 'Plugin to call firestats on pageload',
'url' => 'http://benhall.com/doku/doku.php?id=firestats',
function register(&$controller) {
$controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, '_addHeaders');
function _addHeaders (&$event, $param) {
global $INFO;
if(!$this->getConf('FIRESTATSURL')) return;
if($this->getConf('dont_count_admin') && $INFO['isadmin']) return;
if($this->getConf('dont_count_users') && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) return;
$event->data["script"][] = array (
"type" => "text/javascript",
"src" => $this->getConf('FIRESTATSURL'),
===== Metadata.php =====
===== Settings.php =====