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firestats [2010/05/05 13:28]
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-====== Firestats Plugin for Dokuwiki ====== 
-It is noted in the code, but I'll repeat it here: 
-//This code is almost entirely copied from the Google Analytics plugin by Terence J. Grant. ​ See [[http://​​plugin:​googleanalytics|his plugin page]] for details. 
-Credit for the work should ostensibly be his- I merely deleted a few lines and changed a configuration value name. 
-Concerning this rendering of the code: 
-See [[http://​|]] for information on what Firestats is and how to use it. 
-Plugin installation consists of: 
-  *Unarchiving the plugin .tgz file to your dokuwiki lib/plugins directory 
-  *Visiting the site Admin => Configuration page to set the URL for your firestats installation. 
-An example URL looks like: http://​​yourfirestats/​js/​fs.js.php?​site_id=2 
-====== File/​Directory structure: ====== 
-====== Action.php ====== 
-<?​php ​ 
-* This code is almost entirely copied from the Google Analytics plugin by: 
-* Terence J. Grant 
-* See: http://​​plugin:​googleanalytics 
-* My changes to the code were made on 05/05/2010. 
-if(!defined('​DOKU_INC'​)) die(); 
-if(!defined('​DOKU_PLUGIN'​)) define('​DOKU_PLUGIN',​DOKU_INC.'​lib/​plugins/'​);​ 
-class action_plugin_dokufirestats extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { 
- function getInfo(){ 
- return array( 
- '​author'​ => '​Benjamin Hall (code modified from Terrence J. Grant\'​s Google Analytics Plugin)',​ 
- '​email' ​ => '​',​ 
- '​date' ​  => '​2010-05-05',​ 
- '​name' ​  => '​Firestats Plugin',​ 
- '​desc' ​  => '​Plugin to call firestats on pageload',​ 
- '​url' ​   => '​http://​​doku/​doku.php?​id=firestats',​ 
- ); 
- } 
- function register(&​$controller) { 
-     $controller->​register_hook('​TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT',​ '​BEFORE', ​ $this, '​_addHeaders'​);​ 
- } 
- function _addHeaders (&​$event,​ $param) { 
- global $INFO; 
- if(!$this->​getConf('​FIRESTATSURL'​)) return; 
- if($this->​getConf('​dont_count_admin'​) && $INFO['​isadmin'​]) return; 
- if($this->​getConf('​dont_count_users'​) && $_SERVER['​REMOTE_USER'​]) return; 
- $event->​data["​script"​][] = array ( 
-   "​type"​ => "​text/​javascript",​ 
-   "​src"​ => $this->​getConf('​FIRESTATSURL'​),​ 
- ); 
- } 
-====== Metadata.php ====== 
-$meta['​FIRESTATSURL'​] = array('​string'​);​ 
-$meta['​dont_count_admin'​] = array('​onoff'​);​ 
-$meta['​dont_count_users'​] = array('​onoff'​);​ 
-====== Settings.php ====== 
-$lang['​FIRESTATSURL'​] = 'Your Firestats Site URL:'; 
-$lang['​dont_count_admin'​] = '​Don\'​t count admin/​superuser';​ 
-$lang['​dont_count_users'​] = '​Don\'​t count logged in users';​ 
firestats.1273080495.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2010/05/05 13:28 by ben