Date: 22 Jan 2002 20:03:51 -0500

sssssright here:

Date: 22 Feb 2002 16:15:59 -0500

put your email address and anything else right

Date: 22 Feb 2002 16:17:43 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here:hi ben its me your cousin xxxxx

Date: 24 Feb 2002 17:38:30 -0500

hi SLut. I reckon your a ugly jebus! Man you must never get pussy! GET FUCKED Smelly Bob (I wrote smelly bob a little message but the address came up as bad, so disappointing...)

Date: 24 Feb 2002 17:39:19 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here: ok.

(The previous message was sent about thirty times.)

Date: 04 Mar 2002 15:20:20 -0500

hi ben-i shared your pictures with a little class i am working in-makes a mother proud. hope you and xxxxx had a good time. love mom

Date: 04 Mar 2002 17:29:31 -0500

hi-don't worry aboout coming back for xxxx xxxx's memorial. it is no big deal. she won't be there!! love mom

Date: 05 Mar 2002 21:43:48 -0500

Hey, this is Brian Xxxxxxxx from You signed my guestbook recently, and I just wanted to say thanks. I hope you don't mind me using that battling kittens video clip. If you want, I could put a link from my site to yours. A lot of my friends would like to see your website, because you are kind of a celebrity at my school. I have a friend also named Ben Hall, and he discovered your website while playing around on the internet, and it was such a cool website that he told everyone about it. e mail me at, or at -Brian

Date: 20 Mar 2002 12:44:08 -0500

you are one pussy-gettin' motherfucker you turntable obsessed bastard

Date: 20 Mar 2002 05:50:56 -0500

you are a fucking sad cunt. you bring the otherwise respectable name of Ben Hall into shame and disgrace through your painful sadness.

Date: 20 Mar 2002 05:52:15 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here i love the site, and i also have an obsessive interest in turntables and BMWs circa-1980. please mail me.

Date: 29 Mar 2002 11:24:32 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here: Hey ben! I think this website is pretty nifty. I was originally looking for a Ben Hall, who was a sign language interpreter, but I got you. But hey that's okay, cuz I had some fun. My name is brooke, and I would appreciate if you e-mail me back just for fun!!

Date: 30 Mar 2002 19:11:35 -0500

you are u-g-l-y- ha ha!

Date: 09 Apr 2002 09:26:19 -0400

u beta move wiv ur name bein the same as mine ur mingin!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 04 Apr 2002 09:57:50 -0500

Hey. Very interesting webpage! I really enjoyed that kitten video. That was hilarious! Well anyways, come see my webpage at: You don't have to be asian to join, so it's all good. You can email me at bye!

Date: 19 Apr 2002 17:21:39 -0400

my name is ben hall too, and frankly ure a fuking disgrace to my fuking name, change ure name now, bitch

Date: 22 Apr 2002 15:31:27 -0400

Date: 22 Apr 2002 15:31:28 -0400

Date: 22 Apr 2002 15:31:28 -0400

Date: 22 Apr 2002 15:33:26 -0400 are a complete loser, and u have a completley shocking car. You should get a ferrari, not a fucking fuck head pile of toilet papered shit. You fucking fuck up fuckhead fucker!

Date: 23 May 2002 00:37:54 -0400 Hi i will like some info about the real Ben hall Bye Love from Xxxxx

Date: 31 May 2002 09:55:08 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: hello twat

Date: 23 Jul 2002 00:43:40 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here:Hey all you other people, into dirty porn? I can give you a site. Reply likewise

Date: 23 Jul 2002 00:44:42 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here:sure donna, mail back ps you can trust me

Date: 14 Aug 2002 19:14:51 -0400

hello cool man hows the fishin

Date: 30 Aug 2002 13:24:36 -0400

Sorry to hear about Bailey. You are one jacked up mother fucker ben hall. Take care.

Date: 6 Sep 2002 23:04:43 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: yo. yeah, i go to brian's school, the one who said that you're a celebrity at our school, and it's true, it's damn true. anyway, go to, and you'll be happy. bu bye.

Date: 6 Sep 2002 23:05:11 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: by the way, i'm stealing the source for this mail form, if you don't mind.

Date: 9 Sep 2002 16:56:53 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: god you're a loser. i bet you're ugly and pathetic and i bet you have aids and cancer you cancer-queer. why don't you get a life? i screwed your pet monkey or dog or whatever, by the way.

Date: 9 Sep 2002 17:30:08 -0400

ben hall. you are gay.

Date: 12 Sep 2002 18:54:51 -0400

Wow! You got it all man. Awesome turntable, cool beemer, and great looks. My wife got so hot looking at your site, she practically tore off my clothes when we hit the sack (extra early, I might add). All night she was playing cowgirl, alternating between my face and my crotch as the saddle. Oh, did I mention she's 82 years old. Thanks for nothing, dumbass!

Date: 8 Oct 2002 12:51:26 -0400

your a homo loser i am ashamed to have the same name as you you freak with your gay turntables i raped your dog and killed it because i shoved my dick in his eye munterFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 8 Oct 2002 12:57:03 -0400

your face youes gay shit faced loser e nowith no mates you haoingve a gay car it looks like a pile otf shit. my namp alivme is rich to beard jarv an is and i am the biggest gie i and hav matim it

Date: 8 Oct 2002 12:58:38 -0400

nob face loser my name is ryan carey and am a cocky little shit with no mates

Date: 8 Oct 2002 12:59:26 -0400

put your email address up my arse you munting peice of shit.

(I am particularly fond of this one)

Date: 8 Oct 2002 13:24:57 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: fuckface you need mates go screw your mum. change your name now bitch where do you dig up these losers on whats it like looking like a spastic? (I've been meaning to put together an answer to this very thoughtful question, just haven't had the time really)

Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 20:29:12 -0400

put your email address and anything else right here: the website needs pictures of really cool pants damnit

Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:37:35 -0500


Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:32:12 -0500

you are the biggest unit ever your turn table sux and your car is the biggest heap of s h i t i've ever seen.

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:40:34 -0500

i think you are in desperate need of mates. and i think you are lacking in penal capacity.I don't Know if your parents abandoned u but they should have done. 

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:41:09 -0500

oh my god go home you jobless pathetic homosexual retarded fucked up mateless desperate spasticated mongoose if you have any friends at all i would like to meet them so that i can laugh as hard as i possibly can HAHA. i dont think you quite have any idea how much of a loser you are, you are displaying on the web peoples htred for you, im not sure i understand that. do yo have any penis at all?

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:45:48 -0500

wankshaft. wankshaft. wankshaft. WANKSHAFT. Go rape your mother up the arse. My name is Nathan Henry and i live several streets away from u. i am going to shoot you.twice.

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:46:58 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here: Yeah go let a moose anally challenge you.

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:48:36 -0500

put your email address and anything else right here: do you have any friends. no.

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:43:18 -0500

you are a much maligned human being ben hall

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 23:52:21 -0500

Dear Ben, My name is also Ben Hall. i love you. i live in Proserpine Australia , visit me!!!!!!

Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:34:32 -0500

suck my balls u worthless piece of shit. i hate u and i am going to rape ur dog and ur pet moose. i have a moose fetish would u like to join my club it is for fuckups like me and u. i eat potatoes with mongoose pate.
